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LOTO Tags | Lock Out Tag Out

Apr 12, 2022


What are LOTO Tags? 

“LOTO” stands for lock out tag out, these are used when working on equipment with a potential to be energized. These are a standard safety procedure in construction to ensure that everyone in the area reminds safe. Typically, these tags look similar, but there can be some variations in the design. Here is what our LOTO tags looks like, as you can see there is a clear “Danger” warning at the top and it tells you not to operate this equipment because it is locked out.

These tags are always pair with a red lock like this, paired with a key to “lock-out” the electrical box to keep people from turning it on while you are working. It is common to see multiple locks on a box at one time, indicating that different people are currently working in the same area. You want to always make sure that you remove this lock when you are finished or when you leave for the day.

Typically to get a LOTO permit a marked-up drawing of the isolation point is required. Alright guys that’s it! Make sure that then you are using these in the field that you are always following safety requirements.

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